Mark Beutelschies helps to solve problems and find the best resources to work toward resolution. He works with mid to large entities to secure third-party resources to fund economic stability and growth. He works closely with general counsel quarterbacking incentives to maximize the benefit. He assists governmental agencies in implementing effective programs that drive growth. His experience as outside general counsel trained him to spot and articulate risks and solve problems as an effective negotiator so that the client’s strategy regarding goals and objectives are met.
As lead counsel to the Economic Growth Engine Industrial Development Board for City of Memphis and County of Shelby, Tennessee (EDGE), Mark oversees all legal work for the agency, including such development programs as the payment in lieu of tax (PILOT) program, the tax increment financing (TIF) program, all loan programs, tax credit programs, loan fund projects and revenue bonds. He is also the lead counsel for the Port of Memphis development projects. He analyzes and addresses all environmental issues related to EDGE and the Port of Memphis. Additionally, he helped develop the first C-PACER loan program in the state of Tennessee for EDGE on behalf of the City of Memphis.
- Provided general counsel services for a dementia day center serving approximately 40 clients/participants on a daily basis, including providing human resources, real estate, regulatory, general corporate and 501(c)(3) compliance services for over 15 years.
- Organized and assisted with 501(c)(3) designation, commercial agreements and corporate work for service that collects out-of-date produce and perishables from area grocery stores and redelivers to nonprofit agencies for distribution or use before spoilage, redistributing around 900,000 pounds of food, or 720,000 meals, each year.
- Assisted with closing and enforcement of multiple loans and sales of REO Property in Tennessee for a Mississippi-based bank.
- Coordinated purchase and corporate restructure of an industrial and commercial electric construction and service company in Memphis, Tennessee, including providing commercial, human resources, environmental, regulatory, real estate acquisition and financing as well as litigation support services.